The Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI), the world's largest nonprofit organization dedicated to the advancement of unmanned systems and robotics, represents corporations and professionals from more than 60 countries involved in industry, government and academia. AUVSI members work in the defense, civil and commercial markets.
Become an AUVSI member and gain access to the world's largest unmanned systems community. From exclusive networking events to exciting business development opportunities, our experts can help you navigate the ever-evolving world of unmanned systems. AUVSI membership is open to all types of unmanned systems and robotics companies and professionals serving the industry. If you want to have access to the innovative resources that will help you gain the competitive edge in this fast-paced and continually evolving industry, then AUVSI membership is a must. Our members take advantage of numerous opportunities to get connected, get informed and get involved all year long.