Agility Prime (X20.D) : FX20D-TCSO1-0049 Advanced eXtreme Rapid Deployment Emergency Whole Airframe Recovery Parachute System for ORBs (Advanced Air Mobility: AAM or Urban Air Mobility UAM)
This Phase I effort presents innovative research and development concepts to establish a collaborative strategy to advance the Aviation Safety Resources (ASR) technology currently under development in conjunction with the National Institute for Aviation Research (NIAR) at Wichita State University. This effort will significantly prove the technical feasibility and commercialization potential necessary to design, validate, test and certify the XRD system to solve defense-related issues directly for the Agility Prime program. The mission impact of this project on the Air Force and the Department of Defense will be enhanced mission capabilities of Vertical Takeoff and Landing(VTOL)/ORB including Urban Air Mobility (UAM) or Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) equipped with on-board safety systems to mitigate any risk to on-board crew/passengers and/or assets on the ground and in the air. This proposed Phase I effort is designed to define and validate the necessary research, development and testing necessary for a fully designed and certified recovery system that will reduce the free fall of a eVTOL/ORB vehicle, with no forward speed, to less than 30-feet per second within 100-ft. of altitude loss. In working with NIAR, this Phase I effort will define and demonstrate the necessary performance in testing and data collection. We have established a Customer Memoranda with Agility Prime outlining the design and technical approach to be evaluated to confirm the XRD capabilities are technically achievable. This will help the Government assess the transformative vertical flight market and VTOL/ORB recovery system technologies.
Primary Objective: The primary objective of this Phase I effort is to define the scientific and technical merit and commercialization potential of XRD leading to a Phase II award to produce a well-defined, deliverable prototype.
Technical Objectives:
- Formalize conceptual design and identify key testing results needed to certify a solution;
- Validate through defined testing the adaptation of XRD to meet ORB vehicle design needs; and
- evaluate other crash technologies to cover the entire VTOL operating envelope to provide a survivable level of safety.