Short name
21.2B : Low c-SWAP, long-life, anti-corrosion coatings for mission-critical electronics
The NanoflowX V2+ solution provides a low-cost, easy-to-apply waterproof and corrosion-proof coating for digital and analog electronics, with the demonstrated ability to protect COTS components, with no other waterproofing, to IP68, the highest waterproofing certification level. NanoflowX’s V2+ solution dramatically improves the lifetime of electronics in the field and in storage and makes the storage and transportation of electronics simpler and less expensive. Today the Air Force maintains a large fleet of aircraft, many of which are in service for decades. The production lifetime of electronic components is typically 18 months or less, meaning that matching component lifetime to fleet lifetime is key to (1) long-term operational readiness, (2) cost management, and (3) optimal in-the-field operational readiness. AFLCMC and the 30th Electronics Maintenance Group are tasked with maintaining, repairing, and delivering critical parts to the warfighter to maximize operational readiness. NanoflowX’s V2+ solution increases the lifetime exchangeable electronics parts and dramatically reduces the failure rate of those parts.

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