The 5th Annual Hypersonic Weapons Summit is back for 2024!
US hypersonic weapons development has surged in the past decade. Significant investments continue, notably in programs like Hypersonic Attack Cruise Missile (HACM), Army Long Range Hypersonic Weapon (LRHW), and Navy Conventional Prompt Strike (CPS). Recent Congressional budget allocations reflect this commitment, with $4.7 billion awarded in FY2023 and further funding in FY2024.
Successful testing of major programs brings hypersonic deployment closer for the US. However, technological and operational decisions remain before operational weapons can be fielded. Meeting the services' testing and fielding pace is challenging but crucial to the National Defense Strategy.
The Hypersonic Weapons Summit will provide a platform for the DoD, academia, and industry to come together to learn, share knowledge and ideas, and collaborate on how to overcome common challenges.
Senior representatives from major programs including the US Air Force, Navy, Army, DARPA, and the Missile Defense Agency, alongside perspectives from Allied programs, will provide a truly international outlook on hypersonic progress, challenges, and developments.