Process Navigation Service

APEX is ready to assist you with your proposal preparation and submission. While we cannot write your proposal, we can help you navigate the process, offer feedback on your approach, and provide experienced input to inform your proposal strategies. We offer webinars on various topics for pre-award cohort members during select solicitations. 

If you are considering submitting a proposal for a solicitation listed below and would like to join an active cohort, we first need to know more about your company. Please complete the below form to join an APEX pre-award cohort for your solicitation of interest. After processing your sign-up, we will get back to you with more details on offerings for your specific solicitation.

Your information


Contact details



Your organization

Organization type



Technology overview

Air Force need

Technical competence

Areas of technical competence


Which are you planning to submit?

SAM registration

Is your SAM registration complete?
If No, please see

Submission history

Has your organization submitted an Air Force SBIR/STTR proposal in the past year?


Are you interested in one-on-one consulting?

Solicitation interest

How did you hear about APEX?


Please read and agree to the terms below: *

Engagement Terms for Becoming an APEX Portfolio Customer:
During the course of our assistance, associates from APEX and its partners will devote considerable time and sometimes financial resources on your behalf. These resources are available as a dined result of federal support intended to provide you with assistance in your SBIR/STTR pursuits. Accordingly, we closely monitor and track outcomes to our financial supporters. By engaging with APEX and its partners, you will be asked at least twice a year to complete a brief survey Survey questions include (but are not limited to) information regarding the funds you have raised (sales, investment, grants and contract) that follow from your participation in the Air Force SBIR/STTR program. While this data is taken at a detailed level, individual records will not be shared with anyone outside of APEX and the USAF. Information will be treated carefully and confidentially. By checking "I Agree" below, you acknowledge that the data provided will be accurate and consistent in all respects with other financial and tax reporting your company provides. Please note that APEX and its partners will not be able to provide service if this survey is not complete.
Engagement Length:
If in working together, APEX determines that your growth plans are no longer synergistic with the resources we have to offer, or if you determine that the plans for supporting your company's growth do not align with your organization's needs, either party can disengage with the other with a written notice. Please note that after disengaging, you will be required M provide metrics to APEX gathered through the brief survey on an ongoing basis for several years beyond the end of the engagement.
Advice and guidance provided by APEX is not official instruction of the United State Air Force and any decisions you make in the accepting or rejecting advice or assistance is solely of your own accord. By checking "I Agree" below, you waive all warranties related to the assistance we provide to you and you also agree that neither Parallax Advanced Research, its directors, officers, and employees nor agents shall be liable to you for damages, including, without limitation, loss of profit or business opportunity We encourage publicizing your relationship as an APEX Portfolio Company For more information on our logo and press releases, please contact the APEX Team at Parallax@ParallaxResearch org. 
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