Join the Ohio Apex Accelerator at Ohio University for an exercise in market research and pipeline development using free and publicly available tools. We will spend time looking at the capabilities of multiple platforms including SAM, USAspending, and more. Making data driven decisions as a small business is vital to your success and growth. We will walk through how to connect the dots to make your data actionable using online resources, common tools, and a repeatable process. This will be a flexible and open exercise that is completely live, minimal PowerPoint, and no filler!
Collider need-to-know:
- Collider title: APEX Accelerator - Teaching Your Team to Fish: SAM.gov & USASpending.gov Update
- Date/Time: Thursday, November 16, 2023 - 2:00pm-4:00pm (EST)
- Type of Event: Hybrid - In-person and Virtual (you choose at registration)
- Place: Wright Brothers Institute - 444 Facility - 444 E 2nd St. Dayton, OH 45402
- Cost: FREE
- Registration: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/apex-accelerator-teaching-your-team-to-fish-samgov-usaspending-update-tickets-746088820747?aff=oddtdtcreator
- Special Instructions: If in person feel free to bring your laptop to follow along with the LIVE DEMO
- Speaker: Mr. Billy Grill, Associate Director, Ohio Apex Accelerator at Ohio University
It has been almost a year since Billy has done an update on SAM.gov and USAspending.gov so you won't want to miss this - these are some of the most important tools to stay on top of to ensure your SBs success!
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