Are you a small business owner interested in learning more about grant funding opportunities with federal agencies, including the USDA? Are you interested in learning more about how your business aligns with their needs?
Join The Ohio Aerospace Institute for a virtual event to learn about the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer Grant(STTR) Grant Funding Programs.
Attendees will:
- Receive an overview of the SBIR/STTR program
- Obtain guidance on USDA funding priorities with advice on finding the right SBIR/STTR solicitation for your company-with an emphasis on Food Manufacturing and Advanced Air Mobility related topics
- Learn how to develop and prepare a competitive proposal
Connect with advisors for follow up support to develop technology and proposal ideas
About Small Business Innovation Research/Small Business Technology Transfer Grants
1. Federal grants for technology-based startups to develop commercially viable innovations
2. Focused on significant innovations with high levels of technical risk
3. Funding assistance to support companies with scale-up, prototyping, and testing activities
4. Awards do not have to be paid back and do not require issuance of equity range from $150,000-$1,100,000
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