SUNY Research Forward Webinar
Overview of the National Science Foundation (NSF)
Technology, Innovation and Partnerships Directorate (TIP/ITE)
Wednesday, May 3 | 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Register Today
Please join this introductory webinar to learn more about the vision for TIP, programs, funding opportunities, and more with Dr. Rebecca Shearman, Program Director (Regional Innovation Engines, EPIIC, ExLENT), and Dr. Pradeep Fulay, Program Director (Convergence Accelerator, Accelerating Research Translation).
The NSF’s TIP advances use-inspired and translational research in all fields of science and engineering, giving rise to new industries in the pursuit of new, high-wage jobs in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM).
TIP's Mission
TIP harnesses the nation's vast and diverse talent pool to advance critical and emerging technologies, address pressing societal and economic challenges, and accelerate the translation of research results from lab to market and society. TIP improves U.S. competitiveness, growing the U.S. economy and training a diverse workforce for future, high-wage jobs.
TIP’s Three Primary Focus Areas
The directorate works closely with the entire agency to leverage ongoing research investments to drive research and innovation across all science and engineering fields, leading more rapidly to societal and economic benefits. TIP’s three primary focus areas include:
Fostering Innovation and Technology Ecosystems
Establishing Translation Pathways
Partnering to Engage the Nation’s Diverse Talent
Looking forward to your participation. Please email jacquie.spano@suny.edu with questions.
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