HOW THE PROCESS WORKS: APEX has anonymized the information below due to the competitive nature of the solicitations and proposal environment. If you find an interest, please contact the Process Navigation team using the input form below. You can do this by selecting the checkbox of organization you are interested in connecting with filling out the rest of the form at the bottom of the page. The table columns designate whether the organization seeking a partner is a company or a university and the kind of organization sought for a partnership. The table also includes a technology description of what the advertising organization brings to the table (technology brought) and what the advertising organization seeks in a partner (technology sought). Once you respond with the APEX assigned number(s) you are interested in meeting, we will review the request and facilitate the introduction(s). Once we connect parties, we leave it up to you to discuss if interests, objectives, and capabilities are aligned.


Displaying 46 - 48 of 68

# Organization type Partner type Our capabilities Organization skills Capabilities sought Agency interests
Small Business Both small business and research institute We are able to provide a solution to the military's energy problem. Our solution is decentralized, modular and able to fit onto all rifles currently used by the United Sates and NATO. Our innovation uses advanced thermoelectric generators, piezoelectric chips and perovskite solar cells to harvest waste energy (heat) and convert it into power that can be used to charge a soldiers electronic gear. We are able to demonstrate the advanced ultra-low power cooling solution used to cool the thermoelectric generators and prove sustained net energy production. Advanced Materials,Advanced Power/Batteries,Energy Storage,Power Generation
My company has found it hard to navigate the D.o.D. We are looking for a company that understands resonance frequencies and harmonics. As well as a company that has access to non-commercial doped thermoelectric generators. Air Force,Army,Navy,DoD Other,Non-DoD,Ohio Federal Research Network
Small Business Both small business and research institute We have a prototype airway management device that allows for buddy rescue, civilian rescue, and acts as a temporary emergency airway. It does not require a laryngoscope, and it does not require a lot of training for the first responder to successfully place the device in the esophagus. The first responder can straddle the patient’s chest or sit at their side in cramped, challenging quarters. The device connects to a standard Ambu bag for ventilation. Biotechnology,Medical Instrumentation
FDA and ISO quality systems auditing, benefit/risk analysis of risk for medical technology.
We would like to work with medical known opinion leaders (KOLs) to design the clinical endpoints for a pilot study. We can use manikins to refine the prototypes, then proceed to cadaver studies, getting data for FDA regulatory review. Air Force,Space Force,Army,Navy
Research Institution Small business PURE, Personalized Unique Rolling Experience, is a hands-free wheelchair that operates similarly to a Segway where the rider leans in a desired direction to navigate the device. The unique aspect of PURE is that it rolls on a ball or “spherical” wheel. It is based on the concept of a dynamically stable ball-based robot (ballbot) and uses an omniwheel system to drive and control the spherical wheel. PURE automatically transitions between three driving behaviors. Steer and Spin are similar to a typical wheelchair, in which the user can steer forward, backward or spin in place. Slide is unique and allows the user to move laterally, like an office chair. To accommodate for limited torso range of motion of some users, PURE uses sensors to estimate leaning and twisting motions and amplifies these signals to control the ballbot’s direction and speed. PURE allows wheelchair users to access tighter spaces, frees up their hands for other tasks, and features a lightweight design that makes it more portable than traditional electronic wheelchairs. Autonomy,Human Performance,Medical Instrumentation,Robotics,Vehicle Design
Personal mobility device (wheelchair) with enhanced navigability and utility
Our academic researchers are seeking a commercial partner to help bring this technology to market. Key strengths include business development and translational product development/engineering, perhaps done under a federal subaward. Air Force,Space Force,Army,Navy,DoD Other,Non-DoD

The numbers of each organization you are interested in connecting with will auto-populate below based on the check boxes that you have selected. We will review the request and then reach out to both parties and connect the two of you to explore a collaboration. Once we connect parties, we leave it up to you to discuss if interests, objectives, and capabilities are aligned.

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