Encountering Innovation Conference is a program brought to you by America's SBDC - Kansas; offering opportunities for innovators, government tech scouts and manufacturing & technology companies (from Federal Agency Prime Contractors to Small Businesses) to collaborate with each other for Commercialization and Contracting purposes via Private Tech Transfer Pitches and...
Launch Dayton Startup Week
AAIA Defense Forum 2021
AGILITY SUMMIT 2021 - Attendees and Presenters/Exhibitors
Air Vehicles Technology Symposium 2021 (POSTPONED)
AVTech 2021 will be POSTPONED 2022
Due to recent gathering restrictions placed on military personnel and to maintain the value of your participation, AVTech 2021 will be POSTPONED until 2022. We look forward to our in-person event with AVTech 2022 and renewing our professional connections. Your continued patience...
AF Ventures Weekly Webinar
The AFVentures team is excited to bring another series of topics to small businesses and government representatives. The series is designed to educate and provide insight on how the AFWERX SBIR/STTR Open Topic process operates. Join us every Thursday at 12pm ET.
Sept. 23rd...