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170+ Diverse companies in a Virtual Trade Show to introduce cutting-edge innovators
Nearly 1,000 applications were received from all over the world, including the United States, Canada, the UK, Romania, Argentina, Germany, and India. A thorough review process in mid December narrowed the selection down to the top 177 companies, who will have the opportunity to pitch their cutting-edge ideas to a panel of evaluators and subject matter experts. Selected submissions advance to formal agreements in less than six months on average, dramatically reducing the typical multi-year contracting process.
Nearly 1,000 applications were received from all over the world, including the United States, Canada, the UK, Romania, Argentina, Germany, and India. A thorough review process in mid December narrowed the selection down to the top 177 companies, who will have the opportunity to pitch their cutting-edge ideas to a panel of evaluators and subject matter experts. Selected submissions advance to formal agreements in less than six months on average, dramatically reducing the typical multi-year contracting process.
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