- Nov 18, 2021
MOTUSI Corporation's novel Human Performance Technology Wins Two $50,000 Awards
Two Phase I Awards Made by Air Force Small Business... - Nov 3, 2021
Proposers: Use these methods to overcome the top 5 challenges when applying to Department of the Air Force SBIR/STTR Open Topics
By APEX SBIR/STTR Process Navigation Team Over the past few... - Oct 28, 2021
APEX program helps MTI Systems win $150,000 US Air Force STTR and $450,000 NASA SBIR awards
Greenbelt, Maryland -- In 2021, MTI Systems won a $150,000... - Oct 22, 2021
Columbus-based data security company simplifies defense compliance process for small businesses
Dayton, Ohio - DAtAnchor won a $50,000 Small Business... - Sep 23, 2021
How the Department of the Air Force APEX PIA creates effective collaborations between industry and academia for U.S. Air Force SBIR/STTR proposals
The Academic Partnership Engagement Experiment, or APEX, is... - Jul 16, 2021
What are Partnership Intermediaries Agreements (PIAs) and how can they help small businesses and academia innovate and commercialize technology
Photo credit: Department of the Air Force Technology... - Apr 15, 2021
Engineering Products of Ohio LLC Vice President and Co-Founder Justine Blank reflects on her journey to $150,000 via Agility Prime award
Justine Blank is the co-founder and vice president at... - Apr 7, 2021
APEX program helps IconicAir win an AFWERX STTR $700,000 Phase II Award
Morgantown, West Virginia –In October 2019, IconicAir won an... - Mar 4, 2021
How the APEX program can help academics and entrepreneurs pursue Department of the Air Force funding
In April 2019, the Department of the Air Force launched its... - Dec 8, 2020
AFOSR Webinar Recap with Timestamps: How to Engage with the Air Force Research Laboratory Research Ecosystem
On June 19, 2020, the Air Force Office of Scientific...